homeopathy hampshire

homeopathy hampshire

Elizabeth Travers-Warren, Professional Homeopath & Quantum Scio Health Specialist

Hampshire Homeopathy Clinic Hayling Island, Portsmouth

homeopathy Hampshire


Homeopathy targets the underlying cause rather than the symptoms themselves. The symptoms are the bodies way of expressing itself.

Homeopathic medicines are highly diluted substances given in either tablet or liquid form with the aim of triggering the body's natural system of healing.

For research on Homeopathic medicines please refer to The Society of Homeopaths at www.homeopathy-soh.org (click on research) and The Homeopathic Research Institute at www.hri-research.org.

Many conventional medicines have side effects, because Homeopathy is without side effects it is suitable for pregnancy, babies and animals too. Homeopathic medicines do not conflict or interfere with allopathic medicines and is perfectly safe to take at the same time. Homeopathy may bring relief in conditions which might otherwise require continuous drug therapy

During a consultation, I will want to know precise details of your current illness, but will also wish to understand other aspects such as past medical history, diet, lifestyle and personality. I do not believe in the one size fits all approach and working with the individual is the key to their healing journey.

Follow up appointments will depend on the nature of the complaint. Usually a 4/6 week period is sought. How often you need to return will depend on the individual.

What about seeing my doctor?

It is recommended that you maintain your relationship with your GP or specialist. When necessary, Homeopathy may be used alongside conventional approaches. It is not recommended to suddenly stop any medications without discussing with your doctor first as it can be dangerous.

Some people visit my practice with no specific illness, but complaining of perhaps a number of minor but unpleasant symptoms.

Conditions such as the following are the norm in every day practice: Allergies, arthritis, anxiety, asthma, autism, candida, celiac, crohn's, chronic fatigue, constipation, depression, diabetes, dental toxicity, headaches, hormonal problems, migraines, skin disorders, IBS, M.E, insomnia, coughs and colds, travel sickness and more.

homeopathy Hampshire

Contact Me

Elizabeth Travers-Warren SDSHOM, RSHOM
Hampshire Homeopathy, Hayling Island, Hampshire

If you would like to book an appointment or if you would like to find out more please contact me by phoning 07879 648728 or by emailing mccue1@btinternet.com. If you do not hear back from me within 24 hours after emailing please give me a call as there could be a problem with the email.

Some people may be nervous around trying a new approach so please get in touch if you have any questions at all. I look forward to hearing from you.

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homeopathy Hampshire

homeopathy Hampshire

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Homepathy Clinic Hayling Island, Hampshire
Tel: 07879 648728
Email: mccue1@btinternet.com
homeopaths Hampshire Homeopathy Hampshire